Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hello and welcome to a new and exciting blog.

I have deiced not to attach my name to it , though you can find out who I am easily enough if you so desire.

I just want a space where I can ramble and talk about what ever comes to mind.  Its kind of like therapy but I don't have to pay the $25.00 co pay.  I also don't really care who knows about something things in my world but then again its on line and its in the cyber world forever.  So be careful of what I say. Or maybe its just being aware of what I say and not doing stupid things on the internet.  Or not doing many stupid things on the internet.  Be leave me  and you, I have done some seriously stupid things in my life.  I don't think any of which are in on the web.  Though I do know of a photo of me smoking pot out of a pipe way before pot was legal anywhere.  Oh noes, the horrors  POT SMOKE.  ekkk.  I don't smoke it anymore if that makes a difference.